Spring Break Travel Week Series!

Flashback Summer:  Travel Week
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This week is an exciting week for me!  Three other ladies and I are going to be traveling for spring break to..... drumroll please........ The United Kingdom!!!
Flashback Summer:  Travel Week
We're going to be staying mostly in Cardiff, Wales with a lady I know, then the last couple of days we'll be rambling about London!  I'll be snapping photos like crazy and documenting the trip, so when I get back I'll tell you guys all about it!

Meanwhile, I've got a travel-themed week for you guys with packing tips, documenting ideas, and other fun posts scheduled!  I hope you enjoy it, and I'll talk to you guys (live) when I get back!

March 3:  Vintage Lite Packing
March 5:  Elements of a Successful Travel Outfit
March 7:  Anti-Boredom Tips
March 10:  Document the Journey
Flashback Summer:  Travel Week

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