Today I want to talk about being authentic.
authentic- (ɔːˈθɛntɪk) (adj.) accurate in representation of the facts; trustworthy; reliable
It seems that in the blogosphere, authenticity can be lost rather easily. We can be anyone we want to be online and almost no one will be the wiser.
However, if I try to be someone I'm not..... I'm not good at it! I'm really only good at being me, and when I'm inauthentic I give up the unique combination of experiences, worldview, beliefs, passions, interests, and knowledge that is existent- out of the entire history of the world- only in me.
I don't want you guys to come to my blog and see a person that seems to come up with fabulous crafts all the time, looks adorable 24/7, has plenty of money to get clothes at trendy shops you may not be able to afford, has it all together, might be skinnier than you, and never sews anything incorrectly. I want you guys to see a real woman, the real me!
In honor of this pledge of authenticity to all of you, here are 10 very authentic things about myself:
I recently had to trial and error the muslin of a fairly simple dress piece at least three times before getting it to fit right. (Many blog post consultations and google searches later...)
Today I wore yoga pants, a headband, boots, and a sweater because it was cold and rainy. And it was great. (See below for exhibit A....) I really don't look cute all the time.
Some days I get very annoyed with political correctness.
I am very firm in my beliefs and tend not to change them (because I've already examined them and determined what I believe based on that analysis).
I started running to impress the guy that is now my boyfriend. I keep running because I like how I feel and look afterward... definitely not because I enjoy it.
Oftentimes I have to work up the courage to wear my more blatantly vintage clothing.
Sometimes when people tell me about their problems, I'm at a loss and feel like Sheldon from "The Big Bang Theory." (All I can think of is to pat their back, say, "There, there," and offer them a hot beverage.)
I ate chocolate with bacon bits and salt in it today.... and it was magical.
The best remedy for when I'm upset: sipping tea while sitting with my boyfriend on his giant bean bag and watching a "man movie" like "Gladiator" or "Jeremiah Johnson."
What do you think about authenticity in the blogosphere? What are some authentic things about yourself? I'd love to hear your thoughts!