Currently I'm in a bit of a fashion identity crisis. These hit me every once in a while with a vengeance, so I'm figuring out how to work through this one, and you're going along with me for the ride! I've also included photos of some of my worst, best, and most... unique style moments. (I didn't even include my gangsta, basketball wannabe, duct tape, Rasta, or Altoid-tin-belt phases! They could be worse!) Some might be costumes, some not. I'm not going to incriminate myself by telling you which ones are which, haha!
But back to the subject of this post: I've been feeling frustrated with my wardrobe lately. I look at my closet and it just seems like randomness. All. Over. The. Place.
I'm having trouble mixing and matching my wardrobe, and I feel like I'm constantly wishing I had something to make an outfit, like I'm making do with what I've got but never really having what I need. I like all my clothes, but I'm not sure they really speak to me. That's a total fashion-minded thing to say, but I'm sure you readers understand!
I'm also struggling with this idea that my clothing isn't fully communicating who I am to the world effectively. I feel like it's missing something.

I have goals of joining the military soon, and my husband is as well. I've also been given a position of leadership recently in my offline life, and I'm hoping to plug into my community and connect with the ethnic and cultural minority groups in my area. I will probably be interacting with leaders soon because of this, and I feel like my image doesn't present as strong and powerful as I would like it to. I'm also feeling a pull to modernize my look a bit to avoid looking old-fashioned, in a bad way. Lastly, I've lately been feeling like others underestimate my capabilities often because I'm petite and look young. I think my look needs to become a bit stronger and edgier to make up for this.
All of that being said... Now what do I do?! Yesterday my emotional response was to sell all my vintage and buy a wardrobe that would look like the costume racks for "The 100," "I Am Legend," and "Divergent," but my rational self took over and said that might be a bad idea, so I've held off. I feel like I'd lose a part of my by ditching vintage completely. Therefore, since I'm obviously confused, I'm starting a process of figuring out what I actually want in my wardrobe and discovering clothing that I will not only like but will also speak to me and communicate who I am more effectively.

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Obvious identity confusion. |
I'll be sharing my progress as I go, and I'm not sure where my style will end up! It's definitely going to be a journey, so if you see my style changing a bit you'll know why. Oftentimes the wardrobe experimentation needed for this sort of thing may result in some strange combos, but I'm hopeful I'll figure it out and have an amazing, me-ish wardrobe at the end!

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Oh yes. Mandi Moore hair, braces, and a choker with an "E" on it. Classic. Can't believe I'm sharing this on the interwebs. |