2000 Pageview Giveaway!

This giveaway is currently closed.  Winner announced here.

Flashback Summer has officially reached 2000 pageviews!

To celebrate, I've got a giveaway for you guys!

I've created an accessorizing-inspiration kit.  It includes a vintage lace collar and cuff set, lots of vintage buttons, six straight/hat pins shaped like feathers, hand-made beads I bought in Sudan, wool leaves, and odds and ends that can be used to trim hats, necklines, anything you want!

Flasback Summer: 2000 Page Giveaway!

Flasback Summer: 2000 Page Giveaway!

Flasback Summer: 2000 Page Giveaway!

To enter the contest, pin your favorite Flashback Summer post to one of your Pinterest boards and put the link in your comment on here, or post it on Facebook (and still put the link here)!  

The giveaway will close on Tuesday, Dec. 19th, and the winner will be chosen a couple days after!

Good luck everyone!


  1. Love your site!


  2. Wish I could enter but I don't do pinterest. Congrats on the views, though!

    1. Here, I edited the post to include posting to Facebook, too, so now you can enter through that, if that helps! Thanks for speaking up!

  3. Oh congratulations on the milestone, how exciting!!!! I've already pinned some of your stuff but here's one I love that I pinned to "Blogging Beauties" this morning: http://pinterest.com/pin/137008013635760270/
