Floor Camping Trip

Flashback Summer:  Floor Camping Trip

Finally, after much ado, I have pictures from my floor's camping trip!
We went to a state park about 30 minutes away and camped at a rustic site next to a creek.  (And for those of you who don't know, "rustic"=no toilets.  It was a great bonding experience.)

Flashback Summer:  Floor Camping Trip
creek next to our site
Flashback Summer:  Floor Camping Trip
Cooking hot dogs over the fire.  Everything tastes better seasoned with wood smoke.
The place was beautiful!  It's still early spring here though, and it got really cold at night, down to the 30s F.  We made do as best we could though, and we got through the night!  

Flashback Summer:  Floor Camping Trip
Keeping warm in the morning
Flashback Summer:  Floor Camping Trip
Some of us slept in hammocks
The next day was much warmer, and we sunbathed, hiked, climbed, sat around the fire and sang songs, and explored.  Gone were the worries about homework, the stresses of moving out soon, the nervousness about summer plans.  It was time to be in the now, experiencing nature and getting back to the basics.

(I also got to try out a pair of shorts I just made from a vintage pattern!  More pics will be coming soon!  They also made my initial camping outfit- until it got frigid- pretty close to my hiking wish outfit!)

Flashback Summer:  Floor Camping Trip
Some of the ladies!
One of our mottos for the week was "Anyone who looks cute camping isn't camping hard enough."
And though our outfits were not amazing and definitely for function instead of fashion, these ladies are still looking pretty cute with their woodsy natural beauty!
Flashback Summer:  Floor Camping Trip
Aria, our resident hippie guitarist, and Jessie "Bon Kue Kue"
Flashback Summer:  Floor Camping Trip
Yes, I brought my teapot and we made tea over the fire.  It was great.
Flashback Summer:  Floor Camping Trip
Our floor has a Rosie the Riveter/ empowerment theme this year, so we saluted her.
Flashback Summer:  Floor Camping Trip
And I brought my Steak 'n' Shake mug.
Flashback Summer:  Floor Camping Trip
I devised a method for making "stick toast" over the fire.
Flashback Summer:  Floor Camping Trip
Judge me if you will, but I like my marshmallows totally burnt.
Flashback Summer:  Floor Camping Trip
Not quite ready....... 
Flashback Summer:  Floor Camping Trip
Got it!  Best floor there is, right here.

* Photo credit to Aria Morton


  1. This looks like such a blast! I can carefully slow roast a marshmallow to golden perfection no prob, but I love a good charred one sometimes, too, and always volunteer to eat other peoples' if they burn and then don't want them (much to my mom's chagrin, lol!).

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Well how selfless of you, offering to eat those burnt marshmallows so they don't go to waste! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. It looks like all of you had a good time! I wish that my friends were as outdoorsy as your friends are, so we can bond on some nature trip too. Camping out, lighting a bonfire, and chatting the whole night is what makes for great camping. Nothing beats experiencing nature together with your friends. Omega Glatt

    1. It was fun, thanks Omega! And hey, a lot of these girls had never been camping before (a couple are from Vegas and other big cities), so this was their first time. You could find some friends and go on a new adventure!
