Fashion Revolution 2016 - Goals

Flashback Summer - Fashion Revolution 2016: Goals

Today officially ends Fashion Revolution week, but it doesn't end our responsibility to bring about change!  This week has helped me think through my abilities and weaknesses in my skill as a maker, and I think I can move forward as a better creator and consumer in the fashion industry.

My personal goals to take from this week are:

Flashback Summer - Fashion Revolution 2016: Goals

What about you?  Have you had any epiphanies or thought-provoking discoveries this week?  Are there any habits you have as a maker and/or consumer that you would like to work on this year?


  1. Thanks so much for talking about this on your blog! I was aware of Fashion Revolution, and was planning on taking part, but I hadn't heard about the Makers for Fashion Revolution, so I was glad to be able to take part in that too. My main goals are to finish sewing up my stash before I buy new fabric (it's so tempting to pick up "new" stuff- but really I have enough already!)
    The Artyologist

  2. Wonderful, thought provoking series of post, Emileigh. Even as a non-sewer, I sincerely enjoyed and appreciated your thoughts on all of these important topics.

    ♥ Jessica
