New Year Q&A Call!

IT'S 2015.


Pretty sure that was one of the fastest years of my life.  And I hear they only get faster.  It seems like I was only a kid yesterday, my life is slipping past me, I'm getting older so quickly, the years are--

Okay, I'll stop the old lady life crisis train and get to the point of this post.

One of my goals this year is to be more real on my blog.  Of course, I haven't been an online alter ego on here or anything, but I've found myself tempering what I say or how I say it in an effort to be PC or relatable or more broad-audience-appealing or.... I dunno, really.  The way I write doesn't match the way I talk all the time, often because sarcasm and wit doesn't write down so well.  I'm definitely being myself, but I think you guys haven't seen much of the ridiculously sarcastic, Frasier & Niles, weird part of me, and I'd like to share that with you.  (Feel so privileged, don't you?)

That being said, one of the ways I've gotten to know bloggers is through Q&A videos.  I swear to make it awesomely fun. (And since I don't have many video skills to actually follow through on that promise, I'll be begging a booktube friend to help me.  But she doesn't know that yet. Heh heh.)

One of my top reasons for starting a blog was to make friends, and it's difficult to do that without getting real with people.  So this is my effort to reach out to you guys with some authenticity!

So if there are questions that you would like to ask me about blogging, vintage, life, stories, etc., now's your chance!  Please leave your question in a comment below or email me, and I'll answer them in a video coming soon!

In case you need a bit of inspiration in your questions, here are some ideas to get the ball rolling:

- If a taco and a grilled cheese got in a fight, who would win?

- What are the top five photo bloopers you've had for a blog post shoot?

- What the heck does being a Christian mean to you? What's the point of that?

- What is an embarrassing story you have from living in Africa?

- What do you wear around the house in your downtime?  Do you wear vintage?

- How do you handle critics on your blog? How 'bout in "real" life?

If you actually want me to answer any of those, then let me know in the comments.  I'm just trying to get the question inspiration going for ya.


  1. Yay, this is a great idea! I love it when bloggers I follow do videos. It's nice to hear their voices. Now, to think of a question or two...

  2. I'd love to know what's your favorite place that you've lived or visited. :)

  3. This is a nice idea. I would love to know more about your experiences living in Sudan, and if you still keep in contact with any of the folks that you knew while you were there.

  4. This sounds like a great idea. Can't wait to watch your video. As for a question, what do you like most and least about wearing vintage / vintage style clothes?

  5. I just had too... those questions were just much to great to pass up... :)

    - If a taco and a grilled cheese got in a fight, who would win?

    - What are the top five photo bloopers you've had for a blog post shoot?

    - What the heck does being a Christian mean to you? What's the point of that?

    - What is an embarrassing story you have from living in Africa?

    - What do you wear around the house in your downtime? Do you wear vintage?

    - How do you handle critics on your blog? How 'bout in "real" life?

    Now I am really excited :D


  6. Yeppers, take it from an old gal like me, they really do get faster and faster, but the plus side of that (to my mind at least) is that you find yourself focusing more on what really matters and trying to make the most out of each speedy day because you know how quickly one year will fly into the next.

    I too find that the way I write/come across online, often isn't the way I speak and am in person, too. Sure, sometimes they're one in the same, but in real life I crack jokes all the time, am a bit sarcastic, will (sometimes) discuss my spirituality and political views (which I've consciously opted thus far to not do on my blog), and many other things that seem to work better (for me at least) in real life than they do on virtual paper. I commend your desire to bring more of that realm to your blog and eagerly look forward to each post you'll be sharing with us here this year.

    ♥ Jessica

  7. I'd like to know what your goal dream pattern in sewing would be?

  8. How did you get into wearing Vintage?
    What would your dream sewing project be?
    What's your favorite joke?
    What is your favorite food/cuisine?
    What is your favorite meal to cook?
    How long have you been sewing?
    What is your favorite fabric to sew with? to wear?

    I can't wait to hear your answers!
    This is going to be such fun!

    the Middle Sister and Singer

  9. Happy New Year my dear! Hope you will find that amazing vintage Qipao in 2015. Gosh I'm lost on what questions to ask....maybe; if there was one single wish you could make in your lifetime, what would it be?
    PS: Still time to enter cat inspired GIVEAWAY 2 on my blog:

  10. This is such a great idea and is lots of fun. What would be your dream film/tv role? What is your favourite book? If you could make a custom lipstick what would the shade be and what would you call it?

  11. I love the idea of making more real connections online. I've been very excited by the friendships I'm making online, but it seems a shame that they are then somewhat limited, and wish I could actually meet these people.

    Hmmm, some questions:
    What were some of your first sewing projects?
    What is your funniest sewing mistake?
    When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    What would you eat all day every day if you could?

  12. Do you have any other vintage hobbies or interests, besides clothes?

    Who's your favorite vintage fashion designer? Have you ever made anything inspired by or directly taken from a famous designer's outfits?

    How do you like to decorate your home?

    What's your favorite vintage film? Favorite vintage TV show? Favorite vintage film stars? Favorite vintage books and writers?

    Where's your dream place to live? To vacation?

  13. Boy this year really did go by fast! So much happened it's crazy.
    Great questions. I'd love to hear more about you time living in Africa. And because I'm a recent home owner, how do you like to decorate your home?

  14. Love this idea ~ doing get to know you videos are a lot of fun! So I have some questions...

    ~ What is your craziest fan-girl secret? ie, what thing/show do you love but are slightly embarrassed to admit too...
    ~ What is your favorite type of drink, tea or coffee?
    ~ What is something on your Bucket List you are itching to do?

    Can't wait to see your video, I might have to do one myself because they are so much fun! ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill
