Make It Do or Do Without, Tiffany's Style

As most of you know, much of my vintage wardrobe has come to me mostly by way of the old Depression Era motto:

"Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without!"

I've got another example of this for you guys!  My friend Christine is getting married next Saturday, so yesterday was her bridal shower.  Her bridesmaids/sisters + friends planned an amazing "Breakfast at Tiffany's" themed party and asked all the ladies attending to wear their Audrey-inspired little black dresses.  Such a great idea.  (I have pictures from the party below.)

However, I didn't read the invitation and notice that part until the day before the party.... and I also realized that I didn't really have an appropriate dress for the event.  Hmmmm....  So I checked my stash.

I had black cloth!  But not enough for a whole dress.  Darn.  But I also had an old button down shirt given to me that had a cute large black and white plaid print!  Perfect!  I pulled out Simplicity 3929 and got to work!  I'd "make it do".

The supplies:
Flashback Summer: "Make It Do or Do Without, Tiffany's Style"- Simplicity 3929

And... after many hours of work..... Voila!

The pattern came together quite easily with three main pieces: a front, back, and skirt with a side zipper.  I have no complaints!  The pattern was simple, easy to understand, and I could see it being gorgeous in lots of different fabrics, and easily customizable!

Flashback Summer: "Make It Do or Do Without, Tiffany's Style"- Simplicity 3929

Flashback Summer: "Make It Do or Do Without, Tiffany's Style"- Simplicity 3929

dress: made by me
shoes: Payless
hat: Relics
belt: refashioned by me

Flashback Summer: "Make It Do or Do Without, Tiffany's Style"- Simplicity 3929

Flashback Summer: "Make It Do or Do Without, Tiffany's Style"- Simplicity 3929

The party was SO much fun (especially the food.  Wow.  Really good).  The decorations were all so cute and clever, and all the ladies looked beautiful!  We played games and Christine, the bride, opened her gifts.  The Tiffany's theme was a lot of fun, and we all had a great time!  Congrats to Christine and Ryon!

Flashback Summer: "Make It Do or Do Without, Tiffany's Style"- Simplicity 3929

Flashback Summer: "Make It Do or Do Without, Tiffany's Style"- Simplicity 3929


  1. I saw the teaser for this on Facebook earlier and couldn't wait to see what it was going to be about - I'm certainly not disappointed! You made a gorgeous dress, I would never know what it had been made out of if I hadn't seen the starting materials. Girl got skills! x

    1. Thanks Helen! It has been many years of trial and error to get to this stage of being able to make WEARABLE items, haha!

  2. What a great party theme! I absolutely love the little dress you whipped up. Just gorgeous!

  3. That is a terrific and unique theme! How amazing that you were able to make that dress so quickly. It's lovely!

    1. I know, I LOVED the theme! It's so classic, and it was perfect for the bride's personality (she's even dressed like Audrey for Halloween).
      And I wouldn't say "quickly" 'cuz it definitely took ALL day (and every project I do involves at least one mistake that causes me to have to backtrack and redo things, haha), but I'm glad you like it! I'm pretty happy with it, I think, and now if I make the pattern again it'll go faster!

  4. Theme+Limited Resources+Creativity=FABULOUS OUTFIT!

    1. Thank you! I heard someone say over and over in my childhood that not having the right craft supplies is a blessing because it makes you creative.... wonder who that was.....
