Sponsorships, Affiliates, and Collaborations
- I accept payment or free product for some of my posts, social media posts, and guest posts through options offered on my Sponsor page and through affiliate link programs. I put a LOT of work into this blog, and these partnerships allow me to invest more time and resources than I could on my own. This means better content for you guys!
- If I am paid to promote a product or have received a product for free, I will let me readers know clearly in my post and inform them of the partnership relationship, according to the most recent FTC guidelines. You'll always see a disclaimer at the bottom of my sponsored post if this is the case.
- I reserve the right to refuse a partnership or to promote a product or service that I feel is in conflict with my blog's content, the best interests of my readers, or my personal morals.
- I reserve the right to refuse a partnership or to promote a product or service that I feel is in conflict with my blog's content, the best interests of my readers, or my personal morals.
Terms of Service
I've created Flashback Summer, in part, to connect with other vintage lovers and share in the vintage passion. With that goal in mind, you may use the content of my blog and posts:
- on your own blog or site, as long as you link back to mine and give me credit for the content.
- in social media, once again linking back and giving me credit.
- to aid in the use of creating your own product content (for research purposes), as long as you give me sufficient credit and let others know where to find me.
- in your own work you create to sell or give away, if you secure my permission beforehand.
You cannot, however, use my blog content:
- to claim as your own work. This is called plagiarism, and it's not professional. Or cool, for that matter.
- as a piece in your own work (such as tweaking my tutorials or using my photos in art) without getting my expressed permission to do so.
- to sell or give away to others without my permission.
Privacy Policy
I will never give away or sell any email addresses, mailing addresses, or other personal information that you give me on this blog or in any communication you have with me. I will also ask your permission before using any information from private communication in one of my posts.
These policies are subject to change without notice and were last updated 11 March 2017.
These policies are subject to change without notice and were last updated 11 March 2017.
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