40s Does 80s

Flashback Summer: 1940s Does 1980s- modern/ vintage fusion/ suit/ neon

Flashback Summer: 1940s Does 1980s- modern/ vintage fusion/ suit/ neon

This week is homecoming week at my university, so they've had different themes every day to dress up in.  As much as I could, I've been working the theme into my vintage looks.  Tuesday was "Neon Day", and I ended up with a sort of 40s does 80s look, but I really like it!  It has the fit and silhouette of a 40s outfit with the smack-you-in-the-face color brightness of the 80s.  The result was classy but pretty fun!

I also tried a new 'do, loosely based on some braided 40s styles I have seen.  I french braided my hair in a circle, then tucked the end in.  The result was a very durable hair do (it survived wind and even a powderpuff football game later, intact!) with a sophisticated updo look.  It was a bit messy this time, but that's what happens with first attempts.  It'll get better!

blazer, belt and tank: Kohl's
shoes: Target
skirt: handmade
brooch: gift

Flashback Summer: 1940s Does 1980s- modern/ vintage fusion/ suit/ neon

Flashback Summer: 1940s Does 1980s- modern/ vintage fusion/ suit/ neon
This is my friend Peace who lives in my hall.  She always looks adorable. 
Flashback Summer: 1940s Does 1980s- modern/ vintage fusion/ suit/ neon

Flashback Summer: 1940s Does 1980s- modern/ vintage fusion/ suit/ neon